Jornal Analysis - In playing its role to prepare for a superior generation and quality, education, especially schools, has a very important role in developing and implementing the Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) method. In other words, education is a fundamental foundation for sustainable development. Especially in the opening of the Constitution 1945 is said that one of the country's objectives is to educate the life of the nation, it can be interpreted in this case education is also very important to determine the direction of the development of this nation.
The concept of sustainable development submitted by the United Nations emerged in response to the growing concerns about the impact of human society on the natural environment, where environmental issues and development need to be handled globally. By carrying the theme "Changing our World: 2030 Agenda for sustainable Development", SDGs containing 17 objectives and 169 targets are global action plans for the 15th forward (valid 2016 to 2030) that apply to all countries (universal).
Quality education is one of the goals of sustainable development, where quality education is one of the most important concerns in ensuring a decent and inclusive quality education and encouraging lifelong learning opportunities for everyone.
Education for sustainable development is also an important pedagogical tool because it is based on the fundamental principle of making individuals see and recognize interdependence between humans and each ecological unit. The role of the Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) based on the three pillars of social, environmental and economic importance is crucial in changing the general perception and attitude of people towards themselves, socially and the environment.
Education for sustainable development is actually an idea that comes from environmental education. The purpose of ESD is to allow people to make decisions and perform actions to improve the quality of our lives without sacrificing the planet. It also aims to integrate the inherent values in sustainable development into all aspects and levels of learning.
To realize this environmentally sound education is required a balanced integration among the components of education. It is a minimum of ESD integration of the curriculum, teachers or educators, and carries the ESD concept into the classroom. It is also required coordination between the central and local governments with each education unit in order for ESD to be carried out well.
ESD enables every human being to acquire the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values necessary to shape a sustainable future. In this case, ESD should not be seen narrowly as a subject or other concern to be added to the formal education system. ESD is a broad teaching and learning process that encourages interdisciplinary and holistic approaches and promotes critical and creative thinking in the educational process. The overall goal in sustainable development is to equip people in their knowledge and skills in sustainable development, to make them more competent and confident while at the same time increasing their chances of leading a healthy and productive lifestyle in harmony with nature with a concern for social values of gender equality and cultural diversity.
The journal highlights many of the education in its role to succeed in the 2030 sustainable development, where the theme is the environmentally sound education. This is a real act of education in participating in preserving the environment and caring for the earth as a human place. In addition, Education for Sustainable Development also encourages people to be intelligent in addressing the many differences that exist and also care about the social values that exist, which is also included in the values of Pancasila as the basis of the Indonesian nation. It can be given that education becomes one important pillar in creating a developed nation in various sectors.